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Release Agents

Release Agents

Mold release agents are an important consideration in mold making and casting activities. They prevent mold making and casting materials from sticking to each other, thus allowing easier separation in de-molding. In certain instances, silicone rubbers may not need a release agent, however, the use of a release agent in those cases will significantly increase mold life. In addition, to the mold release agents offered by EnvironMolds, it also offers an excellent hair release for life casting.

MoldEZ, prevents alginate tangles. Unlike petroleum jelly it washes out in one shampoo.

For a better understand of what mold releases to use of each type of mold making and casting material please view the Mold Release Recommendations Chart.

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Release Agents

Mold release agents are an important consideration in mold making and casting activities. They prevent mold making and casting materials from sticking to each other, thus allowing easier separation in de-molding. In certain instances, silicone rubbers may not need a release agent, however, the use of a release agent in those cases will significantly increase mold life. In addition, to the mold release agents offered by EnvironMolds, it also offers an excellent hair release for life casting.

MoldEZ, prevents alginate tangles. Unlike petroleum jelly it washes out in one shampoo.

For a better understand of what mold releases to use of each type of mold making and casting material please view the Mold Release Recommendations Chart.