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Large Selection of Life Casting Kits
EnvironMolds has assembled one of the largest collections of life casting kits available anywhere. These outstanding kits contain all the materials needed to create a beautiful life casting work of art. Our kits can be divided into beginner, experienced and advanced. They include kits for casting baby's hand and foot, to adult hands, faces, torso and even a full body.
No matter what your experience level you can always count on an EnvironMolds Life Casting kit for quality materials and easy to understand directions. See an examples of face castings here. Then see the method for creating a front torso cast as demonstrated for the TV show Change of Heart using EnvironMolds Front Torso Casting Kit.
As an added bonus, make certain you check our EnvironMolds Hall of Fame to be inspired by world cast life casting and photo-realistic sculptors including Duane Hanson, Ron Muek, Geaorge Segal, Jon Deandrea and Jason de Caires Taylor.