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Torso casts

Here are a number of front torso castings to inspire you and to give you an idea of all of the artistic options you have. Take particular note of how the artist posed his/her model and how he chose to finish it.

Like everything in life practice makes perfect and this is so with creating the painted and faux finishes you see here. Once you create a few torsos and have mastered the molding and casting technique you will be able to work on your own finishing style. Many of the artists have chosen to include fabric or drapery as part of their sculpture. This adds visual interest. You are limited only by your imagination.

Don't be discouraged either. These are examples of some of the more experienced and commercial life casting artists. Their work represents many hours of trial and error. We suggest you pick an artistic style in the beginning then work on finding your own. Take risks in your poses and finishes just as these artists have done.

Here are a number of front torso castings to inspire you and to give you an idea of all of the artistic options you have. Take particular note of how the artist posed his/her model and how he chose to finish it.

Like everything in life practice makes perfect and this is so with creating the painted and faux finishes you see here. Once you create a few torsos and have mastered the molding and casting technique you will be able to work on your own finishing style. Many of the artists have chosen to include fabric or drapery as part of their sculpture. This adds visual interest. You are limited only by your imagination.

Don't be discouraged either. These are examples of some of the more experienced and commercial life casting artists. Their work represents many hours of trial and error. We suggest you pick an artistic style in the beginning then work on finding your own. Take risks in your poses and finishes just as these artists have done.

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