Now You Can Instantly Find the Right Mold Making or Casting Product Online Without Hassle

Now you can instantly find the right mold making or casting product online.

It’s here! Announcing the launch of mold making and casting materials company, EnvironMolds newly redesigned website.

EnvironMolds has just launched its newly upgraded website,  We’re excited to announce that our new and refreshed website is live and waiting to welcome you back. We have redesigned it with you in mind, streamlining menus, simplifying navigation, building a responsive layout for all platforms and providing more resources and information on our products and product applications.

The updated site includes changes to navigation, with dropdown menus for both mobile and desktop versions. We’ve also improved the structure of our content, so you’ll get more from a quick read. We had added an application which guides you on selecting the right mold making or casting product without being over whelmed with product choices. And there are much more how-to videos as well action images as well. There’s a whole host of smaller but impactful changes, all to make your experience of our site that much better for you.

We encourage everyone to visit and explore the site, discovering the full spectrum of mold making and casting educational collateral in our  Applications Learning Center, as well as our Applications Section. 

We will continue to expand our resources and the Applications Learning Center to deliver the most updated and relevant information for the mold making and casting products.

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