Mask Making | Page 7 - ArtMolds

Mask Making 43

Figure 43

The plaster mold is inspected for flaws or loose plaster and placed face down on a work surface.

Mask Making 44

Figure 44

A light coat of petroleum jelly is applied all around the rear surface of the mold flange. This will prevent the second half of the plaster mold from sticking and make de-molding easier.

Mask Making  45

Figure 45

Additional strips of clay are cut to create a wall at the base of the rear of the sculpture to prevent plaster from overflowing.

Mask Making 46

Figure 46

The clay wall is installed at the base with strips of cut clay.

Mask Making 47

Figure 47

Once the wall is complete, any gaps between the wall and the surface of the sculpture is smooth over and filled in.

Mask Making 48

Figure 48

Plaster is mixed the second time and the face coat is brushed on over the rear of the sculpture.

Mask Making 49

Figure 49

Plaster is painted on the face of the lower wall. But before it is painted on the plaster flange, four cylinder shaped strips of clay are evenly spaced around the flange. These will serve as pry holes so that screwdrivers may be inserted to aid in separating the mold halves.

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