The ArtMolds Journals
ArtMolds Journal - The Artists Magazine, is a digital and print publication on artist materials and technique, bringing you the news of mold making, casting arts, life casting, stone carving, ceramics and special effects. You can view the magazine electronically just as you would a hard copy and page through it by selecting "read online." You can also purchase a hard copy for your library and reference if you wish by selecting "print copy."
The ARTMOLDS JOURNAL is both a digital and print magazine dedicated to artists’ technique and material specifically for life casting, mold making, cast arts, stone carving ceramics and special effects (EFX). The ARTMOLDS JOURNAL is publishes every two months and is available through subscription by email or through print at Hewlett Packard’s, specifically at the URL
Each issue contains a number of columns and piece on material and studio tricks as well as new from the Association of Lifecasters International (ALI) and guild of life casting artists of over 1200 members which is sponsoring the magazine.
Editorial support includes Ed McCormick, the publisher of ARTMOLDS JOURNAL, and CEO of EnvironMolds a manufacturer and distributor of mold making and casting materials. Its editor is Frank J. Fedel, MS, CES, educator, researcher and writer. Regular magazine contributors include and Dave Parvin, a Denver author, teacher and sculptor.
The digital version of ARTMOLDSJOURNAL contains video snippets throughout its pages where they will help better explain or highlight an article.
Distribution of ARTMOLDS JOURNAL will include artists, schools, universities, art teachers, museums, foundries and art associations in the U.S. Canada and Europe.
ARTMOLDS JOURNAL will allows advertisers to reach a new niche market to help fill the void of the recent demise of the print only magazine, Sculpture Journal after the untimely passing of its publisher last year, Jon White. The ARTMOLDS JOURNAL will pick up where the old magazine left off and go where it could not using both digital and print media to reach an widely and more technical savvy reader The format can be read on all e-book readers as well as smart phones.
We hope you enjoy our new publication. We have created it for you, our reader, thus we solicit your comments, critique and suggestions so we can evolve ARTMOLDS JOURNAL into a world-class publication.