Casting Kits
Casting Kits offer a unique way to preserve the memory of that special person or a family group with life-size casts of hands, feet, heads, torsos and other poses. Such finished casts are living memorials that will last many generations. Specialized kits for babies, pregnancy, hands, feet, torso, faces and heads offer the opportunity to preserve a moment in time with a detailed cast of everything from pregnant bellies to newborn baby’s feet.
Such casting kits are an excellent way to create multigenerational casts that can feature the hands of a grandparent, parent, and child, too. They are also a wonderful method for creating the casting of loved ones at hospices and long-term care facilities especially for Alzheimer’s patients and their families.
A manufacturer designs its casting kit to contain the basic materials and instructions required to produce a complete cast. But the ArtMolds EZ Cast Kit brand of casting kit goes beyond the basics, in that most of its kits even provide the mixing containers, drop clothes and rubber gloves for the convenience of the user. While the more budget-priced kits, which simply contain the basic mold making and casting ingredients may lack the more commonly available items to keep its prices lower. (read more)
All About Casting Kits
Casting Kits offer a unique way to preserve the memory of that special person or a family group.
Ring of Hands Casting
Create a family grouping of an artistic ring of hands. It is an easy and rewarding project.
Wide Selection of Casting Kits
ArtMolds has an EZ Cast Kit for every application. When you need a casting kit. Think of ArtMolds.
Life Casting-World's Top Ten Ultra-Realistic Sculptors
An introduction to the world-class artists that use the art of life casting in the creation of their incredible works of art.
Face Casting Workshop Showing Basic Face Casting Techniques
Ed McCormick, demonstrates the standard face casting technique in one of his life casting workshops.
Casting Hands Holding Objects
Hands are one of the easier life casting sculptures to create; adding held objects are easier than you can image, and more interesting.
How to Successfully Cast the Ear-Two Techniques
This video shows how to cast the ear; both the special effects method as well as the life casting technique.
Full Body Casting-Demonstrated by Jason de Cairns Taylor
Internationally renowned life casting and marine artist, Jason de Cairns Taylor demonstrates his full body casting technique.