Figure 36
It is time to pour the casting material. The mold is placed in a five-gallon bucket and propped up with rolled newspapers so that it stands level and plumb. Not the yellow bucket on the right. It holds the mold upright. We will use KastEZ Resin for the casting. It is two parts with a 1-to-1 mix ratio. We are using 10-Oz. Plastic cups to measure out the amount of Part A and dumping it into a large mixing container where it will be combined with Part B.

Figure 37
When Part A and Part B and combined and well mixed, the liquid resin is poured in the mold. The resin sets rather quickly in about 5-7 minutes.

Figure 38
When the resin is cured, the mold is opened to reveal the completed casting. There is some flashing to clean up and a few white spots to be touched up with acrylic paint before finishing the casting.

Figure 39
Once all the flashing is removed, we use Rub 'n Buff Antique Gold paste and dry brush it on the high spots of the casting. Combined with the dark undercoat it provides the finished look of a hot foundry cast bronze statue..
Golden Boy