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Episcopal College Honors Women’s Private Parts

From the Daily Caller: Officials at Sewanee: The University of the South excitedly unveiled a massive golden clitoris statue on Wednesday afternoon. There was a reception.
The giant golden clitoris will reside in the main library at the Episcopal Church-affiliated liberal arts school in Tennessee for two weeks.
The sculpture is part of a project called “CLITERACY” by feminist artist Sophia Wallace.
Sewanee’s Women’s Center has publicized the big unveiling on social media with hashtags including #SolidGoldClit and #yeaSEWANEEScliterate, Campus Reform notes.
A Facebook page entitled Cliteracy Exhibit Reception suggests that Wallace believes Americans are confused about female sexuality.
“By occupying public space with information about women’s bodies, CLITERACY de-stigmatizes the information itself, facilitating open dialogue,” the Facebook page instructs.
Also, somehow, the giant golden clitoris “reveals the ‘phallic as neutral’ bias in science, law, philosophy, politics, mainstream and even feminist discussion, and the art world.”
Here is the giant golden clitoris exhibit:
“The students who brought the exhibit to campus hope to encourage in-depth, healthy conversations about female sexuality and other topics,” Sewanee media relations director Laurie L. Saxton told The Daily Caller.
“Like many exhibits, it is intended to provoke a reaction,” Saxton added. “Not everyone will like it. Some may be offended, though that is not the intent. The expression of these varied reactions is appropriate in a university that values the free expression and exchange of ideas. We do expect that all reactions, pro and con, will be offered civilly and respectfully.”
Wallace’s Cliteracy Exhibit Facebook page says: “The questions we hope this exhibit provokes among students, community members, and faculty are: why is this shocking to me? Why is it odd or difficult for me to see a representation of a clitoris, when phallic imagery abounds?”
Wallace has another exhibit called “clit rodeo,” Campus Reform notes. That’s where people get to ride a giant mechanical clitoris like a mechanical bull.
Also, much to the surprise of everyone everywhere, Wallace informed The Huffington Post in 2013 that “scientifically, the clitoris was only discovered in 1998.” Such a finding as late as the Bill Clinton presidency was “appalling and shocking,” she declared.
“There’s still such ignorance when it comes to the female body,” the Brooklyn artist confidently assured HuffPo.
(Images by Jane Bartlett Pappas for The Daily Caller)
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