2014 NAEA National Convention - March 29-31

2014 NAEA National Convention - March 29-31


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Please purchase your tickets online for the OPENING NIGHT EVENT: Light up the Gaslamp! Saturday, March 29 | 6-10 pm. Get out on the town, sample the local food and drinks, meet colleagues, and make some art! This year, we’re moving our celebration of art education to San Diego’s historic Gaslamp Quarter—housing more than 100 of the city's finest restaurants, pubs, nightclubs, and retail shops, as well as rich cultural offerings including theatres, art galleries, symphony halls, concert venues, and museums. Your ticket will get you a two-course dinner plus a glass of house wine, beer, or well drink at your choice of any one of twelve participating restaurants; admission to the Hatmaking Parties at Jolt N Joe’s and Whiskey Girl bar and restaurant; and a blinking button souvenir. The cost is $40 per person. 2014 NAEA National Convention - March 29-31

ONE WEEK LEFT! Weigh in: New national arts education standards almost final. The National Coalition for Core Arts Standards is nearing completion of a new set of PreK-12 arts standards - the first revamp since 1994. The public review period on the latest draft opened Friday, and the group is inviting public feedback until February 28. A first look at the final new standards is expected to be unveiled in San Diego at the National Art Education Association's National Convention in March. The final rollout is scheduled for June.

See more information here: http://ow.ly/tPXXB

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