Hand Casting | Page 4 - ArtMolds
Figure 15 |
After about an hour and a half your casting should be set enough to demold. Complete setting takes about 24-48 hours. Remove the plastic molding container and carefully place its contents upside down to drain any excess water from the mold. |
Figure 16 |
Very carefully tear away at the gelled alginate to expose your new casting. The casting is not yet completely cured, and you can damage it if not careful. Fingers are easily broken at this stage. But with a little Super Glue, they are easily fixed. De-molding now makes clean up easier. |
Figure 17 |
Once the piece has been de-molded it will require some clean up. An old tooth brush and a sharp pointed object make the job easier.
Figure 18 |
After clean up, the finished piece is proudly displayed. After about 48-hours the piece should be sealed with clear or a matte polyurethane sealer. You can also choose to paint it if you wish. |
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